This miracle is what we see in SIEMACHA. Seniors are a very important part of our community. They visit children’s homes, help in activities, cook, create art and read books with the youngest ones. They share their smile and utmost care.

SIEMACHA for Seniors
For many years now, the SIEMACHA Association is looking not only after children alone. Our Activity Centers for Seniors aged over 60 years form an integrated community, where everyone feels needed. The centers provide physical mobility sessions, as well as arts and educational projects.
Worsening psychological well-being and physical fitness, as well as a deepening sense of loneliness, are among the major effects of the COVID-19 pandemic observed among Polish seniors. As shown by a survey of the Senior Policy Institute, almost 60% of the respondents stated that their mental condition is worse than before the pandemic. Almost half of senior-age people restricted their social contacts over this period, and every third person experienced emotional distress.

Need of human interaction and a window to the world
In Poland, as many as up to one million people remain in social isolation, having very limited interaction with others, frequently living in their homes alone. This is how the idea of SIEMACHA Spot Nestor was born, addressed to people above 60 years of age. The Spot venues provide our seniors with activities such as sports exercises: aqua aerobics, yoga, mobility exercises, physiotherapy exercises, dancing, as well as educational workshops: in English, computing, sewing, handicrafts and music. Above all, however, these are places of forging valuable relationships and friendships.
Our aim is to improve seniors’ quality of life. By providing tailor-made forms of activities, we awaken interests, offer opportunities for development and create an integrated community, which gives everyone not only a sense of fulfilment, but also a sense of being needed.

True magic expands in any space where children and seniors are looked after under one roof.

SIEMACHA Spot Nestor
SIEMACHA Spot Nestor
Kraków, Długa 42
SIEMACHA Spot Nestor
Kraków, Ptaszyckiego 6
SIEMACHA Spot Nestor
Kraków, Facimiech 32
SIEMACHA Spot Nestor
Tarnów, XVI Pułku Piechoty 12
SIEMACHA Spot Nestor
Kraków, Bonarka City Center