
Działamy budująco! The most productive places in SIEMACHA

The possibility to create and construct gives children a sense of empowerment and strength.  In our carpentry and arts studios, our youngest beneficiaries not only develop their imagination, but also work to give their design a tangible form.  

The project Działamy budująco! (We act constructively!) furnishes creative studios and workshops for our beneficiaries. It is a space for DIY lovers, hobbyists, fledging craftsmen and artists. A place with people, premises and equipment that help develop new ideas. However, “Działamy budująco!” is primarily a community of people who learn from one another, motivate each other and work together on shared projects.

Carpentry workshops

We organize creative carpentry workshops, where children and adolescents create unique hand-made wooden toys. We ensure that the sessions are aimed at both girls and boys.

Working with wood improves agility and the eye-hand coordination. It teaches to maintain focus and patience. It is also a well-proven element of therapy.

During the workshops, I present various techniques and show how they can be used; but it is really just a stepping stone for further individual work.

I try very much not to comment on any original idea. Thus children get a sense of agency in making their own decisions, choosing the tool, as well as how to use it.

Mr. Janek
- instructor, SIEMACHA Spot Odporyszów carpentry workshop

Arts workshops

These activities develop creativity and imagination; motivate to artistic pursuits and expression. The classes teach how to use tools correctly, develop motor skills by creating a need for precise performance. Children learn to be patient, and experience a sense of empowerment and satisfaction with their own work.

When you share space, equipment and experience with others, everything becomes easier.

Working together and sharing tools also has a purely practical dimension, always followed by exchange of experiences. The project’s greatest value is the community. We learn from each other, complement one another, create works of art together.

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